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Mrs. O'Keefe's Class News & UpdatesFebruary 24, 20205th Grade Mathematics/Science/ELA
Trimester 2 Reading Requirements
Trimester 2 Reading Requirements are due February 25, 2020. Please continue to encourage your student to work toward their personal reading goal!
Key Learning
Key Learning is a weekly snapshot of your child’s learning, goals, behavior and citizenship evaluation. This document will be copied on blue paper. Please take a few minutes to review Key Learning with your child over the weekend, sign it and have your child return to school on Mondays. The students have shared that self evaluation and reflection on learning, daily habits and behavior is helping to grow our community of learners.
Classroom Behavior Monitoring System
Appropriate classroom behavior and citizenship make a daily difference in our classroom community. When citizenship or behaviors become a distraction during class, students are asked to move their magnets: 1st reminder = yellow, 2nd reminder= red, and 3rd reminder= black and Responsibility Book sign. Please see our chart on the last page of this newsletter.
Content Corner
We are currently learning concepts in Unit 5, Operations with Fractions. In this unit, students deepen their understanding of fractions and develop strategies for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. Students will learn various strategies for estimation, finding common denominators, and evaluating the reasonableness of their answers while problem solving.
This week we will work to wrap up our Research-Based Argumentative Writing Unit. Students have spent time over the last few weeks learning how to develop a solid argument by studying both sides of an argument and how to structure persuasive essays by interpreting information read in various sources. We are currently completing our final drafts of this piece of writing and look to publish by the end of this week.
To promote the growth of our reading stamina and muscle this year, students are asked to read 120 minutes outside of school each week. Reading times outside of school are flexible to accommodate busy schedules, however it's recommended that students aim to read at least 20 minutes daily. Reading Logs, with parent signature, are due on Mondays.
Students continue to learn about the effects of gravity on our Earth in the To Infinity and Beyond unit. To conclude our first instructional cycle, students will complete Space Elevator Infographic to showcase their learning thus far.
- Visit our class website for daily planner posts, homework due dates, unit updates and class resources. Click the Daily Planner Post link to find our daily agenda and homework due dates, and the My Resources link to view Math Parent Letters and Home Links (including the answer key). The daily planner post comes in handy when absences arise. Also keep in mind that the Math Home Links are posted should a student need an additional copy of their homework.
- Please continue to sign your student’s planner each school day, thank you!
Your partner in education,
Wendy O'Keefe