Mrs. Kiefer's Language Arts and Science Classes


    Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!

    Welcome to my website!  I hope that you will find it useful as we navigate through 6th grade this year.  I will be using my website to keep you up-to-date on what is happening in my science and language arts classes. Daily classwork and homework assignments will be posted on my homework calendar.  Please click on the link:  My Homework

    The links along the side will help you navigate through the site.  One thing you may find very useful is the homework calendar.  Please see the link: (My Homework).  Daily class work/ assignments /homework/project due dates/reminders will be posted on the calendar.

    On the Classroom News link, you will find important information about the Kiefer/Held team.

    Please visit my science and language arts links that will contain up-to-date information about each content area. 
    Please remember to also look at "Parent Connect" often to check your child's grades and work completion, as well as periodically logging in to their Accelerated Reader account to keep up to date on their progress.  

    The best way to reach me is through  email: 



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