My Home Page
Welcome to our classroom webpage, feel free to look around! The calendar is the best place to find out what we've done in class and also what homework is due, items are added often, so make sure you get used to checking this regularly.
All daily agenda items are located Google Classroom. Your student has access to all work posted there.
Parents: Make sure your email is correct and on file with the school so that you can receive reminders about upcoming due dates for larger assignments, quizzes, tests and the like. Contact the office for more information.
Helpful Hints:
- Check Parent Connect for missing assignments and updated grades regularly. I encourage you to have your child conference with me and work towards a solution if an assignment is missing or if there is a discrepancy of some sort.
- Daily assignments are located on an agenda board in the classroom. Students are expected to use this information to fill in their planners, during the first few minutes of class each day. The information is also posted on this website in the DAILY AGENDA.
To contact me, please use the following address: