
Technology Advisory Committee

  • Objective:

    Due to the November 2019 bond passage and in consideration of the notable technology investments contained in the initiative, Brighton Area Schools seeks to convene an Advisory Committee of approximately 25 people, made up of a diverse representation of the district and community. The objective of this consultative groups is to weigh available information and make recommendations to the BAS Technology Department regarding the use of technology to support the district's mission, vision, and goals. More specifically, this committee will focus on immediate and long-term planning for the networks, infrastructure, resources, and training needed to support our students and staff, both currently and into the future.

    If you have a willingness to positively contribute to discussions and recommendations, that you have an interest in how technology will impact teaching and learning in the 21st century at Brighton Area Schools, and that you can commit to attending monthly meetings with both a critical and compromising voice, then we invite your advisory participation on our committee by clicking on this form.