~ Welcome to the 8th grade Washington D.C. Trip Homepage ~
It is our hope that by providing this helpful website, parents and students will be able to keep themselves abreast of trip announcements, have access to useful links and resources, and find answers to their questions regarding the 2024-2025 8th grade Washington D.C. trip.Trip Rationale & Our InvitationBelieving that educational travel can further augment our existing 8th grade American History curriculum, the Brighton Area School Board gave permission for the Scranton staff and several involved parents to initiate the planning of an 8th grade Washington D.C. trip for the 2010-2011 school year. Given the success of this and subsequent trips, we are pleased to begin planning for the 2024-2025 trip. We anticipate that this year's trip will provide students with a unique, interactive learning experience, as well as opportunities for personal growth, maturity, and independence. It is our hope that your child will be able to join us, though participation is voluntary.
2024-2025 trip dates are:
May 6th-May 9th
Student Adventures has a website that you are able to access that gives most of what is on SMS's website but more of the information that is specific to Student Adventure can be found on the following!
Note ~ In that changes may occur as needed, please feel free to return here often for updated events, dates, and announcements.
Thank you for your continued support!