Classroom News - British Literature Online Text Link
Classroom Rules________________________________________________________________
All polices set forth in the student handbook apply to the friendly confines of our classroom. The following are clarifications of classroom operations:
1. Be positive.
Students should respect themselves, classmates, teachers, classroom property, and any guests. Interfering with another student’s right to an education is unacceptable. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
2. Be prepared.
In addition to being on time with the necessary materials, students should make sure all electronics are off and stored away when the bell rings.
3. Be productive.
Remember, when class time is given for an activity, students should be on task. When time is given to begin an assignment, students should use that time of work efficiently or ask questions. Students may NOT gather at the door until one minute before the bell rings!
4. Be proud of your work.
Students will turn in assignments showcasing their own thoughts and words while using proper citations and quotation marks to incorporate the ideas of others. Disciplinary actions as set forth in the student handbook will be applied in cases of plagiarism.
British Literature Online Text: Here is the link to the British Literature Online Text!
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