Otter Room Wish List

  • Otter Room Wish List

    *Cleaning Wipes (Clorox, Lysol, Kirkland)

    We use these to clean our tables before and after snack.

    *Baby Wipes

    We will use these for a quick clean up from messy projects.

    *Playdough (Please see recipe on back.)

    We will work with playdough often, and homemade playdough lasts a lot longer than store bought.

    *Turtle food

    We have a pet painted turtle named Myrtle.

    *Extra Snack

    Just in case.J  Maybe cups of applesauce, fruit cups, apples, graham crackers or raisins.

    *Snack Supplies

    Napkins, Dixie cups, paper plates, plastic spoons, forks, knives

    *Paper Towels


    Thanks so very much! You may send in these materials anytime.