Otter Room Information
Otter Room Information
Friday Folders: Today your child is bringing home his/her Friday Folder. This folder will go home with your child every Friday. In one pocket you will find all the notes and information from Spencer and the community. In the other pocket you will find notes from the Otter Room and eventually your child’s work from the week. This folder will go home on Fridays and will need to be returned on the following Mondays. Please return the Friday Folder to school by Friday of this week.
Important Notes: All important notes should be pinned on your child.
Bus Tags: It is absolutely imperative that all junior kindergarteners wear their bus tags everyday for the first few weeks of school. They are not only helpful, but a necessary safety precaution. I will let you know when they can move them to their backpacks for the rest of the school year.
Snack: I am asking families to sign up about once a month to provide a healthy snack for the class—please refer to the snack information page.
Quiet Time: After a morning of learning and lunch, we will have time to quiet our bodies and brains with stories, music and REST. For our Quiet Time, I would like all children to bring a yoga mat to be left at school. Please label the mat with your child’s name near the top edge of the mat for easy reference and trim the mat to 4 1/2 feet. I will have a small supply of mats in the classroom for children to use if their mat is forgotten or for families who might be unable to purchase one.
Allergies: Please let me know if your child has any known allergies or diet restrictions.
Birthdays: We will celebrate all Otter Friends’ birthdays with treats from home and special stories. If your child’s birthday falls on the weekend or during vacation, I will select the closest date for treats to be brought in. Please send them with your child or deliver them at the beginning of the school day. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate his/her special day May or June. If your assigned date is not convenient, please let me know. Treats: You may bring in cupcakes, if you are willing to stay and help clean up. Other suggestions: cookies, muffins, rice crispie treats, brownies, ice cream cups. Also, please use the U.S. mail to send party invitations.
Clothes: Please try to have your child wear clothes and shoes that he/she can put on and take off independently. If your child has not yet mastered shoe tying, please consider slip-ons or Velcro. And please make sure that your child is comfortable in what he/she is wearing, so he/she is able to experience school and the world without worrying about falling or getting dirty.
Outside: Your child should be prepared to go outside for recess nature exploration everyday.
Volunteering: Please refer to the Volunteer Opportunities sheet included in the Friday Folder.
Communication: Please let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns. I will provide newsletters on Fridays, and I will be available at Spencer before and after school. The phone number at Spencer is 299-4350, and I do have voicemail. My school email is: